Andy Murray’s EU breakfast

Andy Murraybulgarian flag has said he has two bagels and watermelon for breakfast. Why not come along on Monday and do just that?

Next Monday, try our vegan TRT for breakfast (smoked tofu, rocket and tomato, with a lace of chilli sauce) and start the day with the Bulgarian flag.

Top this with a blueberry and cream cheese on a cinammon and raisin bagel (for your Finnish flag) and then slide down some watermelon (for some light relief).

Then play tennis!


EU Bagel Competition time!

Guacamole, cream cheese and houmus. The traditional Irish bagel?!
Guacamole, cream cheese and houmus. The traditional Irish bagel?!

The Irish tricolour bagel seemed quite popular yesterday. (guacamole, cream cheese, morrocan houmus)

For a free bagel and salad combo next Monday (July 4th): suggest a vegetarian filling or a salad along the same lines. The best suggestion wins it (not brexit!).
Tweet to @towerofbagel using hashtag #EUbagelcomp or email by Friday 1st July at 1pm

Popeye soup at pop up

spinachFamously spinach was used by Popeye for ingestion of strength – something inspired by the supposedly incorrect quantities of iron available in the leaf.

Even so it is full of ‘good stuff’ (i wont get any more technical than that, plenty of other places do though).

As important, it is delicious – so look out for vegan spinach soup at  the TTOB Union Street pop-up next week., June 20th




Have a bagel lunch and help build civil society in Gaza

Through this year, The Tower of Bagel will be raising money to help women in Gaza go to University via the Sheffield based Sheffield Palestine Women’s Scholarship Fund
I am kickstarting this with a special benefit on May 23rd at Union St Cowork space starting at 9 am and finishing at 4 pm
All profit from this special event will go to the Sheffield Palestine Women’s Scholarship Fund.
For each £420 raised we can secure the fees for one person to attend University for one year to do a non medical degree. £630 helps secure a place for a medical degree for one year.
Come and eat share enjoy and help build civil society in Gaza.